Energy Efficiency Seminar was Held in Cooperation with Arlight and Erzurum Governorship
Within the scope of Energy Efficiency Week, in cooperation with Arlight and Erzurum Governorship, which develops functional lighting solutions by focusing on sustainability and innovation policies; "Energy Efficiency Legal Obligations, Saving Potential in Lighting Systems and Climate Change Effect" seminar studies in Erzurum on Thursday, January 11, 2023.
Erzurum Deputy Governor Lokman Düzgün; Expressing that everyone should act with responsibility towards energy efficiency, attention was paid to focus on energy saving in public institutions from the project stages and to distribute all available information.

Arlight General Manager Saltuk Erdemli, who attended the seminar; He evaluated the sustainability change strategy, efficiency-oriented lighting solutions, and targets and solutions to minimize carbon footprint.
Erzurum Governorship Energy Manager Ahmet Uğurlu also spoke at the seminar; Legal regulations were discussed. Sales and Marketing Specialist Semih Dizdar, Electronic R&D Manager Erdem Durul and Lighting Design Manager Gözde Taşan, who are part of the Arlight Lighting team; Within the scope of the seminar, a presentation on energy efficiency was made. In the presentation; Information was given about energy-saving product groupings, luminaire systems, lighting designs and automation systems.