Bünyamin Kuzu / Interior Designer
When did you start your career?
I graduated from Department Of Interior Architecture and Environmental Design of Hacettepe University Faculty Of Fine Arts in1998. I started early days of my career at Akademia Mimarlık. I’ve been working independently fort he last five years.
What’s the importance of light in our lives?
"…Light is the origin of all being. Striking the surface of things, light grants them an outline; gathering shadows behind things, it gives them depth. Things are articulated around borders of light and darkness, and obtain their individual form, discovering interrelationships, and become infinitely linked."." TADAO ANDO
I remembered Tadao Ando’s quote about lighting who is one of the best architects in 20th and 21st century even though he wasn’t educated to be an architect.
I think that lighting is an important factor and it adds a different dimension while creating the desired effect.
What should we pay attention during the lighting design process?
While designing interior lighting, characteristics of the material and space, lifestyle of the people, their working habits, pleasures and application purpose must be taken into consideration.
Could you make a comparison between the past and today of lighting?
People who lived in prehistoric eras were illuminated by the sunlight during the day time, around 790.000 years ago after the discovery of fire they also invented the artifical lighting this was followed by the invention of candles and oil lamps. Thanks to invention of electricity and technologial developments, we started to use lighting systems. In the past, only the need for illumination was met, however lighting started to form the characteristic and soul of a place. In short, yesterday illumination, today soul of the place I can say.
Should easthetics or functionality be foremost in lighting?
This question reminds me Vitrivius’ "venustas / firmitas / utilitas" [beauty / durability / utility] trilogy. Dominating function of modern design is the fact that it contains aesthetics and functionality together. In this context, I think these two concepts shouldn’t differ from each other.
How do you evaluate LED technology?
LED is the way of lighting in 21st century. Since it creates minimum heat and doesn’t emit infrared or ultraviolet beams, it takes more and more place in our daily lives. According to the statement of USA Department of Energy, in ten years time LED will be the main source of light in the World.
What is your favourite architectural movement?
I like impressionism because it brings genuinity, boldness, vividity, dynasim and it changes the monotonous look of the cities.
The importance of lighting in architectural and urban design?
The elements in scope of architectural lighting are important factors in beautifying the cities. Characteristic of the city is also another important factor in architectural lighting. Some cities carrying the historical heritage to the present day, their natural beauties, design and buildings, provide visual values during the day time under sunlight. In order to provide these values to the inhabitants at night, I think urban lighting is an important element in order to create an identity and a night image. I think our cities fail in achieving this, I think due to the fact that we’re descendant of the nomad culture, we’re not very successful in urban planning and as a result of that urban lighting.