
In modern and complex healthcare environments, all lighting should be designed with human-centered solutions.

Hastane Aydınlatması 1Hastane Aydınlatması 3

Controllable lighting systems that ensure patient comfort and staff efficiency while also requiring low maintenance and efficient energy use should be preferred.
As ARLIGHT, we are at your service with our high quality fixtures and accurate lighting solutions.

Hastane Aydınlatması 2

For correct lighting;

  • Luminance level (lux),
  • Color rendering (CRI),
  • Glare (UGR),
  • Homogeneity (U0),
  • Color Temperature (Kelvin) criteria must be taken into consideration.

Patient Rooms

Hasta Odalari
  • Brightness Level (Em)100-300 lx
  • Glare Value (UGrL)19
  • Colour rendering index (ra)≥80

Increasing patient comfort positively affects the healing process.
The patient should be provided with a comfortable, relaxing environment. Glare should be minimized to make the patient as comfortable as possible.
The light level must be sufficient and facilitate examinations that must be performed in a safe and convenient manner for the patient.

Sterile Environment

Operating room, intensive care, laboratory

Steril Ortam
  • Brightness Level (Em)1000 lx
  • Glare Value (UGrL)19
  • Colour rendering index (ra)90

It is recommended that fixtures selected for sterile environments be designed to be safe and easily wipeable for infection control. (IP 65)
Intensive care rooms are designed with easy access to many medical devices and appropriate working light for healthcare personnel.
In surgery, the operated area is strongly illuminated with special lighting to reveal colors and skin tones as naturally as possible. The lighting in the rest of the operating room should be adapted to create good working light and facilitate the visual needs of the staff.
Green light that contrasts with red and controllable light systems should be preferred in operating rooms. With such a design, eye comfort and concentration increases.

Examination Rooms

Muayene Odalari
  • General Brightness Level500 lx
  • Inspection Brightness level1000 lx
  • Glare Value (UGrL)19
  • Colour rendering index (ra)>90

A warm, friendly atmosphere helps patients feel calm, safe and relaxed during treatment.
With lighting with the right color temperature and color rendering, doctors can distinguish the subtlest color nuance on a patient's skin.
Correct positioning of fixtures is very important. It should not create glare or reflection points on computer screens.

Scanning Rooms

Tarama Odalari
  • Brightness Level (Em)300 lx
  • Glare Value (UGrL)19
  • Colour rendering index (ra)80

A quiet environment should be provided for the patient by choosing lighting with low glare value.

General Area

Genel Alanlar
  • Brightness Level (Em)200 lx
  • Glare Value (UGrL)19
  • Colour rendering index (ra)>90

Common areas contribute significantly to the first impression people make about the hospital.
Lobby and waiting areas should create a comfortable, simple and warm lighting atmosphere with a high amount of indirect light.
Main circulation routes should be adequately illuminated so that patients, visitors and staff can navigate quickly and safely.

Products suitable for Healthcare Lighting Solutions
S 1046 Lot (1)
S 1036 LOT
S 1046 Lot (1)
S 1046 LOT
S 1046 Lot (1)
S 1062 LOT
S1006raa Ic Gold
S 1006 RAA
Stella Black Surfacemounted
Stella Emboss / Opal
Cove 1 Led Bar
Cove 1 Opal
Cove 2 Led Bar
Cove 2 Opal
Cove1 Buzlu
Cove 1 - Frosted Led Bar
Cove2 Buzlu
Cove 2 - Frosted Led Bar
Dg 1023 Mon
DG 1023 MON
Dg 1020 Mon
DG 1020 MON
Dg 1016 Mon
DG 1016 MON
Dg 1016 Mow
DG 1016 MOW
DG 1020 MGC
DG 1023 MGC
Dg 1063 Lot
DG 1063 LOT
Dg 1047 Lot
DG 1047 LOT
Dg 1038 Lot
DG 1038 LOT
Dg 2035 Opk
DG 2035 OPK
Dg 2023 Kld
DG 2023 KLD
Dg 2016 Kld
DG 2016 KLD
Ds 1062 Lot
DS 1062 LOT
Ds 1046 Lot
DS 1046 LOT
Ds 1036 Lot
DS 1036 LOT
Ds 1023 Mon
DS 1023 MON
Ds 1020 Mon
DS 1020 MON
Ds 1016 Mon
DS 1016 MON
Ds 1015 Rol
DS 1015 ROL
Dg 1011 Say
DG 1011 SAY
Dg 1009 Say
DG 1009 SAY
Dg 1008 Say
DG 1008 SAY
Dg 2011 Sak
DG 2011 SAK
Dg 2009 Sak
DG 2009 SAK
Dg 2008 Sak
DG 2008 SAK
Dg 2213 Say
DG 2213 SAY
Dg 2213 Sak
DG 2213 SAK
Dg 1016 Atu
DG 1016 ATU
Dg 1012 Mrw 55
DG 1012 MRW
Dg 1012 Mgw
DG 1012 MGW
Dg 1012 Mow
DG 1012 MOW
Dg 1012 Mon
DG 1012 MON
Siyah Gov Beyaz Ref
DG 2012 CFT
DG 1006 SAT
DG 1012 MOT
DG 1012 MOT
DG 1016 MOT
DG 1016 MOT
Dg 1016 Mon +
DG 1016 MON+
Dg 1020 Mon+
DG 1020 MON+
Dg 1023 Mon +
DG 1023 MON+
Ds 1036 Lot +
DS 1036 LOT+
Ds 1046 Lot +
DS 1046 LOT+
Ds2011sak Beyaz
DS 2011 SAK
DG1005FLR 1
DG 1005 FLR
Ds 1062 Lot
DS 1062 LOT+
Dg 1038 Lot
DG 1038 LOT+
G 6060 Etr
G 6060 ETR
G 6060 Lop
G 6060 LOP
G 6060 Wav
G 6060 WAV
G 6060 DRO
G 6060 DRO
G 6060 Box
G 6060 BOX
G 6060 Bot
G 6060 BOT
G 6060 Boy
G 6060 BOY
G 6060 Stl
G 6060 STL
G 6060 Cir
G 6060 CIR
G 6060 Ret
G 6060 RET
G 6060 Squ
G 6060 SQU
G 6060 Cor
G 6060 COR
G 6060 Mir
G 6060 MIR
G 6060 Bio
G 6060 BIO
G 6060 Elp
G 6060 ELP
G 6060 Cub
G 6060 CUB
G 6060 Clo
G 6060 CLO
G 6060 Ori
G 6060 ORI
G 6060 Opt
G 6060 OPT
G 6060 Opl
G 6060 OPL
G 6060 Oma
G 6060 OMA
G 3012 Opl
G 3012 OPL
G 6060 Epb
G 6060 EPB
G 3030 Opl
G 3030 OPL
G 6060 Plk
G 6060 PLK
G 3030 Plk
G 3030 PLK
G 6060 PPL
G 6060 Ppt
G 6060 PPT
G 6060 MPL
G 6060 MPT
G 6060 EPM
G 6060 EPM
G 6060 EPO
G 6060 EPO
G 3012 EPM
G 3012 EPM
G 3012 EPO
G 3012 EPO
G6060VLO T
G 6060 VLO-T
G 6060 Ppt
G 6060 PPT+
G 6060 PPL+
G 6060 Plk
G 6060 PLK+
G 6060 Plk
G 6060 VLO-K
G 6060 EPM
G 6060 EPM (1)
G 6060 EPO
G 6060 EPO (1)
G 3012 EPM
G 3012 EPM (1)
G 3012 EPO
G 3012 EPO (1)
Sk 3012 Brc
SK 3012 BRC
Sd 6060 Box
SD 6060 BOX
Sd 6060 Bot
SD 6060 BOT
Sd 6060 Boy
SD 6060 BOY
Sd 6060 Stl
SD 6060 STL
Sd 6060 Cir
SD 6060 CIR
Sd 6060 Elp
SD 6060 ELP
Sd 6060 Bio
SD 6060 BIO
Sd 6060 Ret
SD 6060 RET
Sd 6060 Cor
SD 6060 COR
Sd 6060 Squ
SD 6060 SQU
Sd 6060 Cub
SD 6060 CUB
Sd 6060 Clo
SD 6060 CLO
Sd 6060 Mir
SD 6060 MIR
Sd 6060 Ori
SD 6060 ORI
Sd 6060 Opl
SD 6060 OPL
Sd 3012 Opl
SD 3012 OPL
Sd 3030 Opl
SD 3030 OPL
SD 6060 PPL
SD 6060 PPL
SD 6060 TFR
SD 6060 TFR
SD 6060 LOT
SD 6060 LOT
SD 3030 TFR
SD 3030 TFR
SD 3060 TFR
SD 3060 TFR
SD 3012 TFR
SD 3012 TFR
E 0360 OPC
E 0360 OPC
E 6060 Gac
E 6060 GAC
E 3012 Gac
E 3012 GAC
E 6060 Gec
E 6060 GEC
(Liste) E 6060 HYM-HYL
E 6060 HYM
(Liste) E 6060 HYM-HYL
E 6060 HYL
(Liste) E 3012 HYM-HYL
E 3012 HYM
(Liste) E 3012 HYM-HYL
E 3012 HYL
(liste) E 6060 HYM-HYL_GW
E 6060 HYM-GW
(liste) E 6060 HYM-HYL_GW
E 6060 HYL-GW
(liste) E 3012 HYM-HYL_GW
E 3012 HYM-GW
(liste) E 3012 HYM-HYL_GW
E 3012 HYL-GW
S 0550 Lot
S 0550 LOT
S 0400 ISB
S 0400 ISB
AS 0470 EPL
AS 0470 EPL
SD 5050 YGA
SD 5050 YGA
SP 2285 YGA
SP 2285 YGA
Sd 0250 cvu
CVU Series
G 20120 YGT
G 20120 YGT
SD 0500 JST
SD 0500 JST
SD 0750 JST
SD 0750 JST
DG 0485 KLP
DG 0485 KLP
DG 0185 KLP-1
DG 0185 KLP
AS 2506 BVS
B 0140 STN
B 0140 STN-G
B 0250 STN
B 0250 STN
B 0250 STN-G
B 0250 STN-G
G 6060 Ppt
G 6060 PPT-TW
Dg 1023 Mon Tw
DG 1023 MON-TW
Ds 1020 Mon Tw
DS 1020 MON-TW
Ds 1046 Lot Tw
DS 1046 LOT-TW
(Liste) E6060HYM HYL RGBW (1)
E 6060 HYM - RGBW
(Liste) E6060HYM HYL RGBW (1)
(Liste) E3012HYM HYL RGBW (1)
(Liste) E3012HYM HYL RGBW (1)