MG 3521

Store Lighting

Lighting is an important part of the store concept; It can evoke emotions, strengthen your brand, and impact sales.

Img 20170815 Wa0011

Store lighting is one of the most important elements that emphasize the identity of the brand and create different atmospheres. The more inspiring the atmosphere and the more comfortable people feel in stores, the higher their willingness to buy and the more positive their relationship with the brand.

Lighting design for stores aims to provide customers with a good shopping experience and eye comfort. Lighting should be designed to draw people's attention to the products in an aesthetic way. For this reason, general and directional products can be used in lighting designs.

Different scenarios should be feasible with controllable lighting systems.

A correct lighting design can strengthen brand identity and influence sales. It can even improve employees' overall performance.

Showcase Lighting

  • Brightness Level (Em)300-500 lx
  • Glare Value (UGrL)19
  • Colour rendering index (ra)80

The showcase is the stage of a store.
People passing by the store become customers when the display catches their eye. If the displays are illuminated effectively and dynamically, the likelihood of customers stepping into the store increases. By using both horizontal and vertical lighting fixtures, different light plays can be created.
A wide range of directional spotlights with the necessary flexibility for ever-changing window dressing helps.
While narrow-angle spotlights highlight objects, wide-angle spotlights can highlight the background area and other decorative elements of the showcase.

Exhibition Areas

Teshir Alanlari
  • Aydınlık Seviyesi (Em)500 lx
  • Kamaşma değeri (UGrL)22
  • Colour rendering index (ra)>90

In areas with shelves and vertical product promotion, directional products can be preferred instead of general lighting. Lighting at a color temperature appropriate to the color concept of the exhibited products makes the products stand out.
Display products and shelves must have brightness levels that comply with the standards. Narrow-angle spotlights should be applied for the mannequin or product to be highlighted, and wide-angle spotlights should be applied for horizontally displayed products.
In order for customers to perceive product colors correctly, lighting elements must have high color rendering, preferably CRI90 and above.

Cashier Areas

  • Aydınlık Seviyesi (Em)500 lx
  • Kamaşma değeri (UGrL)19
  • Colour rendering index (ra)>80

Faces must be easily detected at the checkout. The surfaces in the cash register and packaging areas must be uniformly illuminated, leaving no shadows. Lighting in these areas should not disturb people's eyes, and glare on the screens used should be minimized.

Fitting room

Deneme Kabini (1)
  • Brightness Level (Em)300 lx
  • Colour rendering index (ra)>90

A comfortable environment should be created as the place where the purchasing decision is made. In vertical lighting, lighting should be chosen that will not cause shadowing and will show the product colors correctly.

Products suitable for Retail Lighting Solutions
Sr1006raa Ic Siyah
SR 1006 RAA
S 2010 Kst
S 2010 KST
S 2010 Kss
S 2010 KSS
Sr 2010 Kst
SR 2010 KST
Sr 2010 Kss
SR 2010 KSS
Sd 2010 Kst
SD 2010 KST
Sd 2010 Kss
SD 2010 KSS
Stella Black Pendant
Stella Duo / Opal
Stella Black Pendant
Stella Duo / Micro
Stella Black Pendant
Stella One / Opal
Stella Black Pendant
Stella One / Micro
Stella Black Surfacemounted
Stella Emboss / Micro
Stella Anodized Recessed
Stella Deboss / Opal
Stella Anodized Recessed
Stella Deboss / Micro
Stella Black Pendant
Stella Duo-S / Opal
Stella Black Pendant
Stella Duo-S / Micro
Stella Black Pendant
Stella One-S / Opal
Stella Black Pendant
Stella One-S / Micro
Stella Black Surfacemounted
Stella Emboss-S / Opal
Stella Black Surfacemounted
Stella Emboss-S / Micro
Stella Anodized Recessed
Stella Deboss-S / Opal
Stella Anodized Recessed
Stella Deboss-S / Micro
Stella Black Pendant
Stella Duo-C / Opal
Stella Black Pendant
Stella Duo-C / Micro
Stella Black Pendant
Stella One-C / Opal
Stella Black Pendant
Stella One-C / Micro
Stella Black Surfacemounted
Stella Emboss-C / Opal
Stella Black Surfacemounted
Stella Emboss-C / Micro
Stella Anodized Recessed
Stella Deboss-C / Opal
Stella Anodized Recessed
Stella Deboss-C / Micro
Stella Comfort Black Pendant
Stella Comfort
S 0860 SIM
S 0860 SIM
Sd 0860
SD 0860 SIM
Sp 0600 Ayn
SP 0600 AYN
G 1200 Sim
G 0870 SIM
Cove 1 Led Bar
Cove 1 Opal
Cove 2 Led Bar
Cove 2 Opal
Cove1 Buzlu
Cove 1 - Frosted Led Bar
Cove2 Buzlu
Cove 2 - Frosted Led Bar
Dg 1023 Mon
DG 1023 MON
Dg 1020 Mon
DG 1020 MON
Dg 1016 Mon
DG 1016 MON
Dg 1016 Mow
DG 1016 MOW
DG 1020 MGC
DG 1023 MGC
Dg 1063 Lot
DG 1063 LOT
Dg 1047 Lot
DG 1047 LOT
Dg 1038 Lot
DG 1038 LOT
Dg 2035 Opk
DG 2035 OPK
Dg 2023 Kld
DG 2023 KLD
Dg 2016 Kld
DG 2016 KLD
Ds 1062 Lot
DS 1062 LOT
Ds 1046 Lot
DS 1046 LOT
Ds 1036 Lot
DS 1036 LOT
Ds 1023 Mon
DS 1023 MON
Ds 1020 Mon
DS 1020 MON
Ds 1016 Mon
DS 1016 MON
Ds 1015 Rol
DS 1015 ROL
Dg 1011 Say
DG 1011 SAY
Dg 1009 Say
DG 1009 SAY
Dg 1008 Say
DG 1008 SAY
Dg 2011 Sak
DG 2011 SAK
Dg 2009 Sak
DG 2009 SAK
Dg 2008 Sak
DG 2008 SAK
Dg 2213 Say
DG 2213 SAY
Dg 2213 Sak
DG 2213 SAK
Dg 1016 Atu
DG 1016 ATU
Phantom Optic Lens
Phantom Opal
Phantom Opal Lens
Ds 1014 Mrp
DS 1014 MRP
Ds 1011 Pln
DS 1011 PLN
Ds 1011 Pla
DS 1011 PLA
Phantom 2 Optik Lens
Phantom-2 Optic Lens
Dg 1012 Mrw 55
DG 1012 MRW
Dg 1012 Mow
DG 1012 MOW
Dg 1012 Mon
DG 1012 MON
Siyah Gov Beyaz Ref
DG 2012 CFT
DS 1009 CRS
DG 1006 SAT
DS 1008 VIV
DS 1008 VIV
DG 1012 MOT
DG 1012 MOT
DG 1016 MOT
DG 1016 MOT
Dg 1016 Mon +
DG 1016 MON+
Dg 1020 Mon+
DG 1020 MON+
Dg 1023 Mon +
DG 1023 MON+
Ds 1036 Lot +
DS 1036 LOT+
Ds 1046 Lot +
DS 1046 LOT+
Ds2011sak Beyaz
DS 2011 SAK
Dg 1020 Vmd
DG 1020 VMD
Dg 1016 Vmd
DG 1016 VMD
Dg 1012 Vmc
DG 1012 VMC
DG1005FLR 1
DG 1005 FLR
Ds 1062 Lot
DS 1062 LOT+
Dg 1038 Lot
DG 1038 LOT+
E 0360 OPC
E 0360 OPC
S 0550 Lot
S 0550 LOT
S 0400 ISB
S 0400 ISB
AS 0470 EPL
AS 0470 EPL
Sd 0250 cvu
CVU Series
G 20120 YGT
G 20120 YGT
SD 0500 JST
SD 0500 JST
SD 0750 JST
SD 0750 JST
DG 0485 KLP
DG 0485 KLP
DG 0185 KLP-1
DG 0185 KLP
Dg 1023 Mon Tw
DG 1023 MON-TW
Ds 1020 Mon Tw
DS 1020 MON-TW
Ds 1046 Lot Tw
DS 1046 LOT-TW
S 1140 Smd Tw
S 1140 SMD-TW